Once Chaotic, SBM ITB Lecturers Agree to Continue Lecture Activities

Lecturers of the School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB had gone on strike to teach because of the chaos that occurred. However, now the SBM lecturers have agreed to continue academic activities.

In a press release published on the official website of ITB, it was explained that there was a closed meeting by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees, Executive Secretary of the Board of Trustees, Chair of the Academic Senate, Chancellor, and Head of the Quality Assurance Unit.

In addition, the Chair of the Internal Supervisory Unit, the Deputy Chancellors and Secretaries of the ITB Institute, the Deans of Faculties/Schools in ITB, Deans and Deputy Deans of the ITB School of Business and Management, SBM and Retired Lecturers, Head of the ITB Communication and Public Relations Bureau were also present.

In addition to the SBM lecturer’s decision to continue academic activities, there are two things that were also agreed upon, which are as follows

The ITB leadership will discuss and further discuss what has been conveyed in the meeting, and will hold a follow-up meeting to discuss technical matters

Learning and teaching activities as well as academic services at SBM ITB will run normally again

SBM ITB lecturer group will not conduct ‘teaching strike’

For information, the beginning of the chaos occurred because the ITB rectorate revoked the ITB SBM self-management because the financial system was not in accordance with the campus statutes. This has also triggered the SBM ITB Lecturer Forum to stop teaching and learning operations