Many Countries Experience Covid Surge, Wiku: Lax Health Protocol Discipline

Spokesman for the Covid-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said a number of countries in the world experienced a third spike in cases due to lax health protocol discipline, especially the use of masks.

“Countries that have experienced a spike in the first and second cases will not necessarily be free from the third spike if efforts for health care discipline and increasing vaccination coverage are not carried out properly,” said Wiku at a press conference, Tuesday, November 2, 2021.

Wiku said Covid-19 cases in Australia, Singapore and Vietnam could be suppressed for a very long time with the number of cases not exceeding 50 people per day. Australia and Singapore even more than 60 percent of the population has been vaccinated full dose. However, said Wiku, due to the delta variant, Covid-19 cases in the country increased sharply after the opening of activities. “The cases have increased sharply by 40-90 times,” he said.

Reflecting on these conditions, Wiku Adisasmito assessed that strict mobility restrictions and increased vaccination coverage were not the only solution to suppress cases. In fact, countries that carry out these two efforts can still increase their cases because of community activities that are not in line with health protocols.

“Looking at the development side of Covid-19 cases globally, data in several countries shows that efforts that are not comprehensive will have the potential to increase cases again,” said Wiku.